A True MOVEMENT of Bible Translation

OMT is a Bible Translation movement within YWAM to see every people-group in the Himalayas championed to translate the FULL Bible orally into their own Mother-Tongue.

From the Tibetan plateau, to the plains of northern India, millions of souls and hundreds of people groups, are waiting to have the Bible in the language of their Heart. As people-groups have the Bible in their language for the first time, we will see outpourings of the Holy Spirit, church planting, youth movements and a great wave of missionaries sent from the Himalayas to the ends of the Earth.

Join the OMT Movement!

We want YOU to join us in changing the Himalayas!

STEP 1 : As an individual, family, Bible Study or a Church, adopt a language from the list below. Watch as God transforms a people group from unreached to revival!

STEP 2: Pray this OMT prayer daily at 2:31pm for the Language Group you have adopted:

"Father we pray, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified among the ________ people (2 Thes 3:1). Send forth laborers (Luke 10:2), strengthen translators (Col 1:9), and raise up day and night (Luke 18) worship and prayer (Rev 7:9) in Jesus name."

Step 3: Give Monthly

Become part of the team as a financial partner by giving however much God puts on your heart!

Step 4: Go

Pray about visiting the move of God you are sowing into through prayer and finances and use the giftings God has given you to accelerate the work.
Found: 12
Translation Started
Waiting for Funding
Searching for Translator
Prayer Needed
Prayer Needed
Prayer Needed

Show all 131 Mother Tongue